Well-lit areas encourage people to walk at night and enjoy community life in their municipality.
Installing On-Grid powered area floodlights has generally been way too expensive and most probably disrupt a precinct with the digging of trenches and the laying of electrical cables. Our Heliopride Series Off-Grid Solar streetlight is easy and quick to install. Our ALL-IN-ONE standalone solar lighting system requires no cabling or trenching and delivers all the benefits of a traditional powered light for a fraction of the cost.
Harnessing the power of the sunshine, All-IN-ONE solar streetlight is 100% sustainable, it is ideal for environmentally sensitive areas and places with power access is limited or impossible, it is also perfect for remote locations and high crime areas.
The hard facts
According to a major study conducted in New York City, the researcher found that the installation of street lighting reduced night-time crime by 39%.
“The lights study found that the developments that received new lights experienced crime rates that were significantly lower than would have been the case without the new lights. Among other findings, the study concluded that increased levels of lighting led to a 36% reduction in “index crimes” — a subset of serious felony crimes that includes murder, robbery and aggravated assault, as well as certain property crimes — that took place outdoors at night in developments that received new lighting, with an overall 4% percent reduction in index crimes.”
The above excerpts from the research study report conclude a significant crime rate drops in the communities where the public street and roadways are well lit to could not only provide pedestrians good visibility and alertness perceptions but it can prevent the crime committing.
You can access the results and full report here.
Here at Omniluce, we have been strongly advocating for illuminating parks, pathways, and open spaces with clean, solar powered lights to improve public safety.
However, the biggest challenge that organizations and businesses face with installing solar lighting in public spaces is the bottom line – cost.
One of the very many benefits of solar lighting is that it eliminates the need for groundworks, no trenching, no cable laying, saving local authorities and facilities managers money on installation and by reducing power consumption.
Thanks to solar lighting technology, essential projects that were previously deemed unviable due to high installation costs are now possible.